Think Future. Technosert 2021+
Think Future. Technosert 2021+
‘…with a new presentation smartly into the future’
The best location to present employees with the new look is where IT meets communication, and that is at Campus Hagenberg.
The last few years were characterised by innovation and investment so that we, with our approach of 100% customer orientation, can also offer new future technologies. And as we really want to give more room to the future, we have introduced current projects and outlooks, awaiting the reaction of employees with great anticipation. New developments are always interesting, but the extraordinary achievements of the past must never be forgotten, therefore honouring employees for long service was a highlight at this event. When employees go into retirement 33 years after our firm was established, it signifies a special tribute to our enterprise. It is therefore a special honour for us to thank our colleagues, who now take up their well-deserved retirement.
The fantastic atmosphere was rounded off with the typical style of Leberkas-Pepi with their iconic cultural highlights. We look forward to the future! ‘Think Technosert‘!