Contact Details
technosert electronic GmbH
Angererweg 7
4224 Wartberg/Aist
Phone: +43 7236 20 900-0
Email: info[at]
Information acc. to Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG)
Legal form: Ges.m.b.H. (limited liability company)
VAT no.: ATU 77297649
Company Register no.: FN 559701s
ARA no.: 7403
EORI no.: ATEOS1000118885
Competent court: Landesgericht Linz (Linz Regional Court)
Competent authority acc. to Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Freistadt (District Administrative Authority of Freistadt)
Industry division: Upper Austrian Economic Chamber (WKOOE) – Electrical and Electronics Industry
Terms and Conditions of Use
All logos, graphics, texts, and images are protected by copyright. All rights are the property of technosert electronic GmbH.
Links to this website are generally welcome. In any case, however, they are subject to the prior consent of technosert electronic GmbH. Links must be external links and may only point to entire websites.
By providing links to other websites, we facilitate access to the websites of our partners. Technosert electronic GmbH does not identify itself with the contents of such linked websites and does not assume any liability therefor. Should you discover questionable contents on one of those websites, please notify us so that we can check and remove the respective link.
All contents were reviewed thoroughly. This notwithstanding, no guarantees can be made as to their correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness.
Disclosure pursuant to §25 of the Austrian Media Act
Managing Director: Hermann Schübl
Editorial policy: Provision of information about the development and production of electronic function groups, modules, and devices as well as of systems based on electronic base technologies.
Subject-Matter of the Company
Development and production of electronic function groups, modules, and devices as well as of systems based on electronic base technologies, in the form of an industrial company; continuation pursuant to Sect. 11, Para. 4 and 5, member no. 14794,1
Conception, design, implementation
Reichl und Partner eMarketing GmbH
Promenade 25b, 4020 Linz, Austria
Phone: +43 732 666 222